"The Digital Era: Innovations in Energy, Ecology, Construction, and Transportation"
Date:Mar 18, 2025  Author:Office of International Affairs


Dear Esteemed Colleagues!

Osh Technological University named after M. M. Adyshev cordially invites you to participate in the proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference titled "The Digital Era: Innovations in Energy, Ecology, Construction, and Transportation," scheduled for May 23, 2025. This conference is dedicated to commemorating the 115th anniversary of the distinguished public and state figure of Kyrgyzstan, I. Razzakov, and honoring the 70th anniversary of the late Professor Abdykapar Teshebaevich Teshebaev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, from the Department of Electrical Power Stations, Systems, Networks, and Energy Engineering at OshTU.

The conference is expected to focus on the following areas:
•  Innovations in Energy and Ecology for Sustainable Development;
•  Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence in Infrastructure Systems;
•  Sustainable Construction and Urbanization;
•  Transportation Systems and Logistics of the Future;
•  Economics and Education in the Digital Era of the Future;
•  Innovations in Natural and Technical Sciences.

Note: The formulation of section themes may be subject to change depending on the volume and nature of the submitted materials.

Conference Organizers: Osh Technological University named after M. M. Adyshev, Harbin Engineering University (Harbin, People’s Republic of China), Tashkent University of Applied Sciences (Uzbekistan), Fergana Polytechnic Institute (Uzbekistan),
ZOZ Group: Research and Production Center “Nanotechnology” (Federal Republic of Germany),
Rajshree Institute of Management and Technology (India), Kuban State University (Russia), International Engineering and Technological University (Kazakhstan).

Date of the Conference: May 23, 2025
Venue: Osh Technological University named after M. M. Adyshev
Working Languages of the Conference: Kyrgyz, Russian, English

Procedure for Submitting Applications and Participant Registration:
To participate in the conference, it is required to submit an application for participation, including the titles of scientific papers with an indication of the section, in electronic form (Appendix 1) by April 25, 2025, to the responsible conference secretary, Teshebaeva Zulumkan Abdymanapovna, email: zulumkantesebaeva@gmail.com, phone: +996773271014; or to Satybaldiev Abdymitalip Baatyrbekovich, email: baatyrbekovich@gmail.com, phone: +996700453686.
The full text of the scientific paper must be submitted by May 10, 2025.

The conference proceedings will be published in the scientific journal Izvestia VUZov Kyrgyzstana (Proceedings of Higher Education Institutions of Kyrgyzstan), which is included in the list of the National Attestation Commission (NAC) under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic. The journal is also indexed in the following electronic library systems and databases of scientific periodicals: RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index), NAC, KSCI, and DOAJ.

The journal is assigned a mandatory international digital identifier for scientific publications, DOI (Digital Object Identifier), and has a two-year RSCI Impact Factor (IF) of 0.185 as of 2022. In accordance with the resolution of the Presidium of the NAC under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic dated December 29, 2022, No. 588, the journal is assigned a rating of 14 points.


May 23, 2025

09:00–10:00 – Registration of conference participants (Great Assembly Hall, Building II, 2nd floor)
10:00–13:00 – Plenary session (Great Assembly Hall, Building II, 2nd floor)
13:00–14:00 – Lunch
14:00–17:00 – Sectional meetings
17:00–17:30 – Closing session. Presentations by section moderators. Summary of outcomes.

A detailed conference program will be developed and sent to participants upon completion of the application and paper (article) submission process in Information Letter No. 2.


  1. Presentation at the plenary session – up to 15 minutes.

  2. Presentation at sectional meetings – up to 10 minutes.

  3. Contribution to the discussion – up to 5 minutes.


Conditions for Publishing Articles in the Journal:

1. For publication in the journal Izvestia VUZov Kyrgyzstana (Proceedings of Higher Education Institutions of Kyrgyzstan), articles are accepted in Kyrgyz, Russian, English, Kazakh, Uzbek, Tajik, and Turkish languages. These should include previously unpublished problem-oriented, review, or discussion articles in the fields of natural and humanitarian sciences, presenting the results of fundamental and applied research.

2. The number of authors per article must not exceed five.

3. The number of articles by the same author in a single journal issue must not exceed two.

4. References to the journals Izvestia VUZov Kyrgyzstana and Nauka, Novye Tekhnologii i Innovatsii Kyrgyzstana (Science, New Technologies, and Innovations of Kyrgyzstan) are mandatory (a minimum of 4 references). These references can be accessed on the journal’s website: www.science-journal.kg.

5. The publication fee for a scientific article is 2600 KGS.


I. Authors must specify the section in which the article should be placed. The article’s length, including the reference list, tables, figures with captions, abstract, and keywords, must not exceed 10 pages of printed text. This includes the title page (featuring the UDC; the full name of each author; a concise and informative article title; an abstract, keywords, and the article title, all of which must be provided in three languages: Kyrgyz, Russian, and English), the main body of the text, the reference list, tables, and captions for diagrams, figures, and graphs.

The article length for humanities disciplines must be no less than 8 pages, excluding the title in three languages, abstracts in three languages, and keywords in three languages. For natural sciences, the minimum length is 5 pages, excluding the title in three languages, abstracts in three languages, and keywords in three languages.
Any graphical objects (figures, graphs, tables) are permitted.

1. The text must be prepared in any version of Microsoft Word and submitted in both hard copy and electronic format.

· Font: Times New Roman;

· Paper size: A4 (210 × 297 mm);

· Font size: 14 pt;

· Line spacing: 1.5;

· Margins: top – 20 mm, bottom – 20 mm, left – 30 mm, right – 20 mm;

· First line indent (red line): 10 mm;

· Alignment: justified;

· Paragraph indent: 1 cm.

2. Inclusion of the UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) is required.

3. A review of the article is mandatory. The review must be provided by leading specialists in the field, but not by the author’s academic supervisor.

4. The pages of the article must be numbered sequentially.

5. The reference list must be provided at the end of the article, with in-text citations to referenced literature indicated in square brackets.

6. Brief information about the authors must be attached to the article, following the provided template.

7. A review is required (one review per article).

8. Work and home phone numbers must be provided.

9. An email address must be included.

10. When compiling the journal, the rule “one author (or co-author) – one article” per journal issue will apply.

11. Tables and figures (illustrations) must be captioned.

II. Abstracts and Keywords Abstracts and keywords in Kyrgyz, Russian, and English, describing the subject and conclusions of the article, must meet the requirements of informativeness, substance, and translation quality. The abstract should range from 100 to 250 words, and keywords should consist of 7 to 10 words or phrases.

Formulas must be typed in an appropriate editor (for mathematical and chemical formulas). Tables must be titled, and empty cells are not permitted. Conditional abbreviations and symbols should be explained in notes.

Illustrative materials must be submitted in the following formats: for photographs and drawings – TIFF or JPEG; for graphs, diagrams, charts, etc. – XLS or CDR. On the reverse side of the figure or beneath it, the author’s surname, article title, and figure number must be indicated. Tables must be titled and contain clearly labeled columns. References to figures and tables must be included in the text at the appropriate points. Each figure or graph must be accompanied by a caption.

III. Reference List The reference list should be compiled in the order in which the sources are cited in the article:

a) For books – surname and initials of the author(s), full title of the work, place and year of publication;

b) For journal articles – surname and initials of the author(s), full title of the article, journal name, year of publication, volume, pages;

c) For dissertations – surname and initials of the author, type (doctoral or candidate), full title of the work, place of publication, and year;

d) For electronic resources – title of the source, website, and URL.

IV. Author Information

At the end of the article, following the reference list, information about each author must be provided in three languages (Kyrgyz, Russian, and English):

1) Details for each author, including surname, first name, and patronymic; place of work (full name of the institution, city, and country), academic degree; academic title; home, office, or mobile phone numbers; email and postal addresses (for communication with the editorial office).

V. Plagiarism Check Articles will be reviewed using the “Antiplagiat” software. The journal’s editorial team independently conducts the plagiarism check. The article’s originality must be at least 70%, with borrowings not exceeding 30%.

The cost of a single plagiarism check is 300 KGS. If borrowings in the article exceed 30%, a subsequent check after revisions will also cost 300 KGS.

Appendix 1

APPLICATION of a participant of the International Scientific and Practical Conference

"The Digital Era: Innovations in Energy, Ecology, Construction, and Transport,"

Dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the outstanding public and state figure of Kyrgyzstan, I. Razzakov, and the cherished memory of the 70th anniversary of Professor of the Department of Electrical Power Stations, Systems, Networks, and Energy Engineering at OshTU, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Abdykapar Teshebaevich Teshebaev

Participant Information

Surname, First Name, Patronymic (in full) Academic Degree, Academic Title   (if applicable)

Place of Work / Study of the Author (full name of the   institution), Position / Status

Section Title

Full Title of the Scientific Article (Presentation)

Form of Participation:

-In-person   participation at the conference with publication or remote participation with publication

Email, Contact Phone Number

Address of the Organizing Committee: 723503, Kyrgyz Republic, Osh city, N. Isanov Street 81, Osh Technological University named after M. M. Adyshev, Department of Science, Innovation, and Additional Education.