XAUAT President Zhao Xiangmo Visits SPbGASU
Date:Sep 25, 2024  Author:Office of International Affairs

President Zhao Xiangmo of Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology (XAUAT) led a delegation to Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPbGASU) upon invitation on the morning of September 18.He had an in-depth exchange of views with SPbGASU representatives on the joint training of students as well as exchanges among teachers and students, in an effort to promote the practical cooperation between the two universities as SRIAATU members.

SPbGASU Vice-Rector Sergey Mikhailov and Vice-Rector Evgeny Korolev extended a warm welcome to the delegation. They reviewed the exchanges since their university joined the SRIAATU, and hoped to constantly advance mutual visits of teachers and students and cultural exchanges under the SRIAATU framework, so as to do their bit to China-Russia friendship and mutual trust.

Zhao thanked Professor Georgy Maksimov, an expert in heating and ventilation, for his guidance and support in the early days of the XAUAT. He hoped the two universities would carry forward the spirit of the elder generations and strengthen cooperation under the SRIAATU framework in the new era, in order to make joint contributions to the construction of a better living environment.

During the meeting, Dean of the SPbGASU Faculty of Architecture Ekaterina Vozniak briefed the participants on the history of the faculty, its majors and cooperation with Chinese universities. Dean Lei Zhendong of the XAUAT College of Architecture gave a detailed introduction to the history and current situation of his department.The representatives had a thorough exchange of views on future cooperation and priorities.

After the meeting, Zhao and others visited the SPbGASU Faculty of Automobile and Road Building. Heads and representatives from XAUAT President’s Office, College of Architecture and International Relations Office accompanied Zhao during the visit.